There are many pre made First Aid Kit's on the market, however they are not always specific to what we need for our hiking. So adding to a pre-made kit or creating your own is a good idea. What I recommend considering our environment and the hikes that we have planned is the following:
Bandages, gauze and hydrogel
Disinfectant cream
Gloves and scissors
Snake bandage
Strapping tape
Emergency sanitary supplies (tampons or pads)
Small lighter (I keep in ziplock for leeches or lighting a fire)
Tick tweezers or freeze tick spray (medicine free tick off available at pharmacies)
It's also a really good idea to consider your own needs, past injuries for instance or anything that you may be prone to. Do you get headaches or need pain relief? Do you experience chaffing? Do you get blisters from your shoes? Do you have any allergies? Do you require cream for muscular pain? The list goes on depending on your own circumstance.
So other essential items could include:
Panadol or ibuprofen
Tiger balm
Chaf cream
magnesium cream
Epipen x 2 and your ASCIA Emergency Care Plan - ensure that your companions are aware if you have anaphylaxis and know how to help you should something happen
Carrying a First Aid Kit is a duty of care for yourself. HIking is a wonderful experience most of the time but sometimes things can go wrong, especially if you are unprepared.
Remember the purpose of joining this Adventure Program is to become a more confident and adventurous hiker...Preparation is the key to a successful experience!